aip_. Get yours at

31 August 2001

"haiiiii!!!" ujar aip sambil melambaikan tangannya ke neng yang terlihat baru keluar dari pintu kedatangan d terminal 2 airport cgk.

si neng senyum, dan tanpa aip sangka kemudian menggebuk perut aip dengan keras. *bluk!*

ip?.. kok kejadiannya nggak seromantis yang gue kira sih?.. hehe...

30 August 2001

episode #9846

aip has been acostumed to be as logical as he can be, when he can. and today he's been living with an illogical circumstances, where 106 is being bended to be 1. after two months of living with the presumption that 106 is the number for today. having that 1 is actually the number instead, his mind feels like being warped.. to feel the nuance that being illogical sometimes happier than otherwise. and aip is definitely not acostume to that.

neng pulang besok. dan si aip is not prepared. i guess that's why even thou he is happy, he is still not feel relief, yet.

but still.. yippeeeeeeeee!!! neng pulang!!! :))

29 August 2001


..::>> effective by september 1st, this blog has been moved to

25 August 2001

"lazy days.. enak benerrr..." gumam si aip di sabtu sore yang teduh dan cozy ini..

23 August 2001

seneng banget si aip hari hari ini..

#1, neng sayang ulang taun.... met ulang taun, ya neng.. semoga makin dewasa, makin fokus dengan tujuan hidup, makin deket sama ketenangan... [tuh.. ucapan selamatnya.. ada pesan sponsornya gaaaak?.. ayo coba dicermati baik baik ;)]

#2, si aip ngupgrade ram duron 750nya dari 64mb ke 256mb... berenang deh lo yeee... hehe

#3, setelah ngorder adaptor psion 5 buat ngeganti adaptor makonya yang jebol, si aip ngecharge semaleman kemarin... dan it works flawlessly.. cool!.. sepertnya gak akan pusing lagi deh sama masalah batre ya ip?

#4, senin depan aip kucluk mulai kuliah lagi. pantesan aja excited... :)

21 August 2001

si aip keliling keliling di officenya yang baru... dan ketemu endah, pacarnya mas bay.. dan ketemu a-ka... how nice to see them...

small small world ya ip?

20 August 2001

sepertinya si aip sudah menemukan perangkat musik mobile yang ideal, satu solid state mp3 player dengan 128 mega bytes storage. tapi sementara itu cuma mimpi aja ip ya?.. duitnya belum ada sih... :)

17 August 2001

merdeka! rakjat bersatoe! merdeka!

(rakjat bersatoe boekan berarti anarkis)


16 August 2001

satoe lagi hari jang seroe boeat si aip..

di saat poelang, karena hari soedah terlaloe malam, si aip memoetoeskan oentoek naek taksi sadja.

taksinja just fine... sopirnja soedah toea, tetapi looks fine djoega

berkendara taksi sampai tomang.. ndak ada jang aneh.. namoen sedjalan ke arah keboen djeroek, taksinja sering oleng kiri kanan..

si aip poen bertanja kepada si bapak soepir "narik dari pagi pak?"

"ija mas.. bangoen djam 4 pagi, djam enam soedah djalan" jawab pak soepir

"oh.." si aip tjoema bisa menimpali itoe

"ini hari kedoea, mas.. semalam nariknja lama.. tidoernja djam doea" tambah si pak soepir ke aip

whoaaat?! tidoer djam doea?.. bangoen djam empat?? no wonder bawa mobilnja oleng sana sini... ngantoek pasti...


tak sampai sepoeloeh menit kemoedian, si aip soedah berada di belakang kemoedi taksi, sementara pak sopirnja sendiri tidoer njenjak di koersi kiri... zzZZZzz...

ternjata poenja bakat djadi soepir taksi jang baik djoega si aip.. bakat terseloeboeng kali.. :)

15 August 2001

new day, new office, new id-card, new job... that aint too much for you, isnt it ip? :)

13 August 2001

dah lama nggak ngeliat sawah menguning.. dan minggu kemarin si aip ngerasain lagi bisa berada di jalan raya di tengah-tengah sawah.. bareng-bareng dengan si abang ojek yang mengemudi motornya dengan style sembalap.. whuiiizzz....

11 August 2001

{how short today is}

10 August 2001

episode #9826

only 126 days to go... but somehow, it feels like an eternity

miss someone so good...

and nothing's wrong with me, ndi... everything is just right... at least from my point of view, it is...

09 August 2001

what makes a day a fine day?

is it the weather? is it how you get out of bed? does it depend on what's the first thing you hear in the morning?

if someone ask me "how are you doing, ndi?", most probably i would say "i'm doing fine, thx", or perhaps "hey.. i'm doing great!"...

but if that person for any reason ask me again "why?", what would i say?

... [contemplating mode enabled]

i would say "cos i live today.... cos i was given a chance to go thru this day, this episode... and i have a chance to so something right today.... that's why this is a fine day for me.... definitely a fine day..."

quote for the day : a silver lining on every storm, there is

07 August 2001

halcyon ['hal-sE-&n] : calm, peacefull

etymology: middle english alceon, from latin halcyon, from greek alkyon, halkyon

gak nyangka... artinya bagus juga...
tachyon ['ta-kE-"än] : a hypothetical particle held to travel only faster than light

hmmm.. i'm tachyon-overloaded.. :)

06 August 2001

omg said aip is a nice friend to hang out with, but only a so-so workmates..

"what does that mean, omg?" aip bertanya-tanya dengan muka bingung...

"hehehehe... now you have something to think about ya, ip.." senyum penulis sambil ngeliat ke arah aip

quote for the day: this life has become so colorfull... is that good?

03 August 2001

aip's 10GB hdd got crashed.. and he's been busy trying to salvage his billing apps source code... darn!
last night aip went to pick up his order on converting a handycam tape neng gave him onto vcd... a simple task.. and considering aip gave the order to a proffesional, he didnt expect to find any hassle... but as usual, assumption tend to work contrary to any plan he has.... it turn out that the tape was recorded using a digital handycam..

holy shoe! are you telling --a proffesional on video converting doesnt have a digital handycam tape player?..

knowing that this so called proffesional takes order from many places in jakarta, then yesterday is becaming a not-so-so day for aip.. it's been a long time since he feels a digital divide.. and yesterday, aip felt like that... he wish to see the video, but it seems the device/infrastructure is not there...

"holy smoke.. apa mesti beli digital handycam sendiri?...." kata si aip ke penulis

"hmm... boleh juga tuh, ip... ntar gak cuma foto kaku ente aja yang ada di halaman coklat, ente senam pagi juga bisa ada disini.. hahahaha.. "

"lhaa.. bukannya itu bakal jadi musibah ndi buat elo?" komentar aip sambil ngakak... :)

01 August 2001

tau supernova, ndi?

ledakan satu bintang yang sudah mencapai akhir waktunya, dengan melepaskan cahaya sedemikian terang... sedemikian...


and somehow i feel that people also tend to have their brightest shine, when their end of time come...


no, ndi... dont ask me for details... i dont know the answer, and i am still enjoying the question... right here, right now...