aip_. Get yours at

30 September 2001

you have me.. you are not alone anymore..

29 September 2001

si aip abis begadang nginstall transparent proxy... terus pagi pagi bangun belum mandi langsung ngembat mie ayam... jorky abis!... :P

28 September 2001

workstation si aip di kantornya yang baru...
scene-writer, do you enjoy being the one who's writing my life? i hope you do, cos i really hope beyond how i am doing in this so-called-life, at least there's someone who can laugh at it. so at least i know i can bring something good to someone, even thou still i will never consider my so-called-life as a joke.

yo scene-writer, if you happen to listen to your character, then may i ask you something? ... i dont know how my character will end up like, and i'm not about to ask you that. but i do know that you wish my character's life to be good, as his consience is there. however, does it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe, that i --as the one who do what's written on the scenario-- might not perform as i have to be to fulfill the scenario? if --just if-- somehow you find out that i --as the one who must do what's written-- can not accomplish the task given, could you please please cut the show? you could end my breath. hey, i'd rather have you kill my character.. but just let me do one last thing right. be it will be big, or small. just make sure it’s right. i'd rather be remembered as a martyr, than being a loser...

hey.. i'm just da writer, ip.. cuma nulis aja... yang punya skenario sih bukan gua

27 September 2001


first hournya si aip ketemu neng. ngambil fotonya diem-diem tuh kayaknya, ya ip? :)

25 September 2001

bicara soal goodbye, akhir bulan kemarin connie harus istirahat dari acara2 friday~night club.. mendadak pulang kampuang dia.. duh permanen pulak... berkurang deh personil buat ngocol jumat malam.. dan berikut sepatah dua patah kesan dari neni gede yang beruntung bisa ketemu connie selagi ia berkemas....

aduh...kemarin gue ber-auld lang syne ama si cona...hikhikhik..... pengen nangis tapi malu ama tukang warung (gue berpelukan di depan warung)... nyesel gue dateng...abis kalo nangis gue harus sendiri! abis si cona pindahnya jauh sih... kalo ke bogor sih no problem bisa di ini ke medan..nan jaoh di mato! dia titip cium untuk elo semua...! dia sih pengen nangis kayanya, tapi ya... daripada kali menteng jadi pasang.. lebih baik kita berdua nangisnya didalam hati aja......!  (neni gede via email)

ngebayangin neni gede sama connie berpelukan di depan warung, jadi mirip teletubbies gak sih? :)

well.. bye connie.. biar loe jauh, sms2annya terus ya, jangan putus!

24 September 2001

do you ever question your life
do you ever wonder why

do you ever see in your dreams
all the castles in the sky

tell me why
do we build castles in the sky

tell me why
all the castles way up high

the wait is over... eleven thousand miles has been in place, again. i hope the castle worth the distance. the temporary distance. and the sky may never be as far as it seems right now.
no pain, no gain. no guts, no glory!
udah banyak yang bilang, menunggu itu menyebalkan.. resah gitu lah. dan dah bosen juga denger orang ngomong gitu. serasa basi aja.

tapi kok ya pas ngerasain nunggu, resah juga rasanya..

just wishing everything is ok.

23 September 2001

kemarin si aip menghantar neng ke bandara. she had to go back.

"4 months. just for four months.." aip said to himself...

and he held her.. but not for long.. cos she almost fell into tears...

as always, goodbye never feel comfortable.

18 September 2001

how can you talk to a person about the importance of cmm, while he dont even have respect to sdlc concept?
hey hey hey.. the world always on the move, man. bergerak dong. atau mati.

and the ironic part is.. this particular person is my dear it manager..
seneng ada neng disini. sebagian besar tanda tanya yang ada di kepala langsung *puff!* hilang.

04 September 2001

web site hma international di launch juga... legaaaaa...

tinggal majalah digicom nih yang disainnya masih dudulz.. bosen dong kotak-kotak melulu.. ayooooo aip... ada ide gaaaaaaaaaak?
nggak kuliah si aip malem ini, dosennya atit. kena flu kali. so instead, si aip pun ngunjungi si neng lagi.

"duh... si aiiiipp pacaran meluluuu... " komentar suara dari belakang panggung

"lha?.. eleven-thousand-miles-apart aja pacaran melulu kok, apalagi sekarang jaraknya bisa nil-null-zero-zip-none-whatsoever.. hehehe.." jawab si aip, sambil senyum-senyum bangga nggak tau malu

quote for the day: abg loe ip! :P

02 September 2001


01 September 2001

koeliah lah engkaoe dengan baik dan benar...