aip_. Get yours at

26 April 2002

si aip lagi di bandung... *horeee* (seneng ya ip?)

24 April 2002

23 April 2002

tadi pagi gue nonton acara guinness book of record di indosiar...

"some people come to me, complaining about their wrinkles.... but this boy, he came and never complain for his condition. he show us how to live..."

itu kata dokter yang ngerawat dia, ip...

he got shot by a magnum 357 right thru his head... leaving him with only half a brain to live... and yet he live... and never complain...

22 April 2002

ip.. gue dapet imel dari irha neh.. :)))

jangan bosen sama cerita gue ya…

diawali dengan hari ini, well…banyak orang bilang :” start your day with pray and smile, and the rest of the day will as bright as the sun” (bener gak sih?????) yah….yang jelas pagi ini gue enggak melaksanakan keduanya karena gue kesiangan…..(gggrrhhhh……) dan ternyata the rest of the day gue memang tidak as bright as the sun….(lagi pula sekarang mendung di luar….hihihihih).

sebelumnya, gue juga belum cerita soal kepindahan gue lagi ya? akhirnya gue pindah ke dekat tempat gue kost yang pertama kali, roxy. lagi-lagi gue tinggal berdua, with the same person, mungkin udah terlanjur berdua jadi males kalau harus misah-misah. lagi pula tempat baru gue ini agak lebih mahal (ac booo….. tapi keseringan bikin gue kesiangan………!!!!! ppppppppfffffffhhhh………) jadinya kudu patungan j

still with the same problems, temanya juga sama…bagaimana menjaga kebersamaan dua kepala yang punya keinginan berbeda, selera berbeda, watak berbeda, kebiasaan berbeda disatu tempat yang sama…..

di satu sisi kadang gue ngerasa harus mengalah lebih dulu, “lebih baik memberi dari pada menerima” kan??? tapi kadang sisi egois gue juga muncul, dan kadang2 itu hal yang sulit di kalahkan.


tapi gue enggak mau segitu gampangnya menyerah pada kata-kata: “namanya juga manusia, pasti ada salahnya…manusia itu kan tidak sempurna…” well….manusia memang tidak sempurna, tapi dari ketidak sempurnaan itu lah gue rasa gue bisa belajar untuk menjadi sedikitnya lebih baik dari “sama sekali tidak sempurna”. gue bukan binatang yang pasrah sama naluri dan emosi aja, gue masih punya hati kecil yang mungkin kadang enggak kedengeran karena kalah kenceng dengan ego…..!! disitulah letaknya dimana gue harus belajar menyeimbangkan antara emosi dan nurani….. (tabah naaak…..tabaaahhh….!!!)

kalau gue fikir lagi, kilas balik ceritanya……

soal bagaimana dulu, sekarang dan nantinya gue akan bersikap, gue menemukan perbedaan. entah itu perbedaan yang positip atau negatip, karena aturan-aturan mengenai baik buruknya perubahan sikap tidak pernah ada yang mutlak…tidak solid..tergantung bagaimana kita memandang dan bagaimana kita melihat efek dari hal-hal yang seperti itu ke orang lain.

ternyata, ada banyak juga keuntungannya dari hidup sendiri (selain gue bisa lebih bebas tentunya).

kesimpulannya, gue happy….still struggle….and still kelaperan kalo gue lagi enggak punya duit…heuehuehuehuehueheuhue…..

cerita lain adalah mengenai hubungan antar dua manusia, cieeeeeeeehhhh……

dua cerita yang hampir sama temanya, cuma berbeda pemeran utamanya (atau mau dibilang objek penderitanya????)

pertama: antara gue dan ‘orang ini’, setelah sekian lama gue menunggu kepastian, dengan ketidak beranian gue… akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk ‘lengser’. apakah istilah ‘penakut’ atau ‘pecundang’ cocok untuk situasi gue ini? hmmm sepertinya enggak juga. i’ve tried dengan segala keberanian gue, tapi…mungkin bukan saatnya gue menikmati ‘rasa sayang’ dari ‘orang ini’. gue rasa sudah cukup dengan menjadi seorang teman setia yang setiap saat (rexona dong yah????) ada disamping ‘dia’ dan mungkin….. (ini yang memang gue harapkan) gue akan jadi orang pertama yang terlintas dipikirannya kalau ada apa-apa dibanding dengan ‘kekasihnya’ nanti….. who knows…. we’ll see….

cerita kedua: antara ‘orang itu’ dan gue.

cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan (sama seperti cerita sebelumnya kan???) hanya beda pemeran, yang menunggu adalah ‘orang itu’. entah kenapa, rasa egois gue berperan besar dalam masalah ini. ‘orang itu’ pernah ada di hari-hari gue, tapi karena satu dan lain hal, ada peristiwa yang bikin gue sakit hati, dan sedikit memberikan arti ‘merendahkan segala kemampuan gue’, bukan tidak termaafkan, tapi tidak terlupakan…..

dan, ‘orang itu’ masih menunggu dan harus belajar lebih sabar dan lebih cermat untuk menelaah perasaan orang lain. apakah gue jahat…??? yah…enggak tau deh….!!

pertengahan dari dua cerita diatas (belum final….) gue memutuskan untuk mengesampingkan semua, dan mulai dengan rutinitas gue (yang sebenarnya sudah mulai agak membosankan).

kesimpulannya dari semua cerita gue..: gue lagi bosen nih………….ajak gue jalan-jalan dooooooooooooonnnnnkkkkkk…………………………..



weleh... hehehe... boleh ra.. elo gue ajak jalan2, terus di tempat tujuan elo ajak gue makan2.. gimane? }:)

21 April 2002

"komputer gue crash tau gak sih, so screen gue gede banget. hari sabtu dibenerin tapi pake ghost image lain (bukan tipe pc gue.. ). gue pake matrox millennium gak mau, wah.."

"hihi.. ember deh.. gue 7 hari masuk kantor tuh minggu kemaren.. cape banget.. mana gue dugem lagi malam minggu ama orang2 it sini dari dallas.. biasalah.. namanya jg bete di kantor.. eh.. keterusan.. akhirnya gue jadi lemes... haha..."

snip snip email dari pink... salah satu dari a rare few girls yang gue kenal dan mudheng ngoprek jeroan pc.. satu lagi adalah tammy.. yang sekarang di sg nemenin odx gawe disana...

jadi inga' jaman dulu tammy ke kampus nenteng nenteng prosesor 486 di tangan... alamak! geeky gak sih?.. hehehehe...

18 April 2002 nggak sync dengan, ndi!

ns entry ada yang running amok, ip?

17 April 2002

i feel strange this morning, ndi... i feel wierd... i feel i dunno whether i was sleeping or not last night..

it seems like last night i just lay down and stop moving.. my eyes are closed, my body was calm but my mind wasnt... i know i had a dream, but when i woke up, i feel i'm not sure whether i slept or not....


dan ndi, ini ada implementasi asik [] dari chip crusoe..

dah lama nggak pake actnames [], dan dah kangen juga.. sayang cuma bisa jalanin di emulator.. tapi lumayan bagus kok , ndi.. *menghibur diri, ip? :P*.. karena emang nggak punya yang kayak ginian [] sih...

satu lagi, dan ini dangerously tempting [], ndi... :)
<%@ language = vbscript %>
<% option explicit
' redirect http to https only if current page is non-ssl

if request.servervariables("server_port_secure") = "0" then %>

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=<%= "https://"&request.servervariables("http_host") %>">
rerouting to ssl-enabled pages. a moment please ...

<% else %>

this is an ssl page

<% end if %>

16 April 2002

bocoran dari odek :

"it is a lie of historical diminsion when sharon (israel's prime minister ariel sharon) says he is fighting terror. he is using and breeding terror." -- mogens lykketoft, denmark's former foreign minister

percaya apa gak, gue dapet quote ini dari espn soccernet: danes regret friendly against israel

free palestine...!
in its antitrust settlement with the justice department and nine states, microsoft promised to publish technology that would allow competing products to interoperate with windows. but microsoft has sidestepped the penalty by crafting a technology license that excludes the company's only viable competitor.

linux, which was described by windows division vice president brian valentine as the long-term threat against microsoft's core business, is banned from interoperating with its common internet file system, otherwise known as windows file and printer sharing.

the microsoft license specifically excludes software under the general public license, commonly known as the gpl. the gpl is the software license used by linux and by samba, a popular open-source program that allows non-microsoft systems to share files and printers with windows.

microsoft has also banned software under the lesser general public license, or lgpl. that license is used by the mozilla web browser, the gnome graphical desktop, and many of the software libraries shipped with linux. the gpl and lgpl are the most popular licenses used for open-source software, and cover tens of thousands of free programs.

a second microsoft license on extensions used in windows 2000 and windows xp will require royalty payments, excluding all software produced by the open-source developer community. because microsoft has patented features of the file-sharing protocol, open-source developers who implement the protocol could be sued for infringement.

more on the microsoft penalty that isn't []

what me and windows have is a love-and-hate relationship... i sure wish to be able to use linux+kde+star_office as good as i use windows+ms_office.. when i can do that, i'd be glad to dump this windows machine..

err.. at the second tought, this machine has windows licensed by my company, so i guess i'll dump it from the pc at home (when it's viable, that is)...

washington--microsoft will call advanced micro devices ceo jerry sanders as its first witness tuesday as the company's antitrust remedy hearing begins its second phase.

sanders, in written testimony submitted before his scheduled appearance, said that the litigating states' proposed remedy of requiring microsoft to sell a stripped-down version of windows "would have harmful effects on amd, the computer industry as whole, the u.s. economy and consumers worldwide."

sanders said microsoft chairman bill gates asked him to testify and that he agreed out of concern over the remedy proposal. he faulted the remedy provision of the litigating states, which would compel microsoft to release a second version of windows without so-called middleware, such as browsing and media playback technologies.

the proposal, he argued, could lead to the fragmentation of windows and "would set the computer industry back almost 20 years."

more on

lha.. amd kok gini?

mungkin kalo stripped windows version di-release, most of the bang-and-whistle useless-feature will be gone... and to run an xp just fine all you need may be is only an amd 400mhz... and that will hurt sanders...

darn... capitalism at work....

beralih ke crusoe, anyone?

15 April 2002

so aip's hosting company has moved this website onto another server on different internet segment... the good news is aip now cant post his blog as usual... but the bad news is.. this new line maybe just too damn slow... :(

so guys, in case you feel or think that this halaman coklat is slower than usual, please komen dong .. i'll forward them to aip's webhosting provider... thanks in advance...

.. america might no longer be a free country [] ... palestine may never be free, as long as america [] is not...

i hope i'm not delusional, cos in my point of view, zog [] is real..
ahh.. akhirnya.. nyeplos juga posting gue dari blogger, ndi.. setelah sebulan nggak bisa posting... sucks.. *nyengir mode enabled*

from its-april-you-fool department, biasanya aprils-fool bisa bikin ketawa, ndi.. tapi taun ini kok ya nggak ada lucu-lucunya... (1) nvidia buys amd... all system will use beos bla bla.. (2) linus quit linux-ing... c'mon, dude...... far too childish...

nice article on wired... 6 devices that change the music world [].. da history of electronic music, i guess... a bit confusing (since i'm not that freak of electronic music anyway.. other than just did some experiment on midi [] long long time ago)...

dah sekian hari si neng kehilangan suaranya, ndi.... aiyaya.. dan dah sekian hari juga gue serasa di limbo kalo denger dia lagi ngomong.. it feels like she's someone else.. someone err.. new.. hmmmmmmm... }:) is this good or bad, ndi? apa kemungkinan konsekwensinya ya?

quote for the day: reisner's rule of conceptual inertia: if you think big enough, you'll never have to do it.

dream machine for this month: sony vaio clie nr70v [] .. oh mann.. can't stand it... drooling all-over...

14 April 2002

masih posting error kah?

07 April 2002

masih error posting dari blogger.. blah.. udah kepikiran apa mesti install greymatter aja.. atau apapun yang pake php.. atau pindah hosting??

ntar dulu.. karena pagi ini ada angin segar dari pihak webhosting.. (yep.. setelah hampir sebulan nggak bisa posting.. akhirnya :)

selamat pagi

kami akan memindahkan website anda pada server yang memiliki akses international lebih baik, silahkan membackup email dan data web anda. setelah kami create pada server baru anda dapat mengupload kembali data web dan create email kembali.

avxx -

smoga smoga....