aip_. Get yours at

31 December 2003

new year 2004

at first there was peace...

and suddenly from the left side... with a sound like gatling toy-gun

from the right side, a u-f-o? ;P

from afront of the house... a counter-strike

and finally...

geez.. i live in a crazy neighborhood...

happy new year 2004, guys!!!

(and if i just be able to get some sleep now :P )

28 December 2003

my first computer

286 Modular BIOS Version 3.10d

Copyright(c)1984-90 Award Software Inc.
*** SUNTAC ***

TESTING CMOS BATTERY...........................PASS
TESTING CMOS CHECKSUM..........................PASS
SIZING SYSTEM MEMORY......................640K FOUND
TESTING SYSTEM MEMORY.....................640K PASS
TESTING PROTECTED MODE.........................PASS
SIZING EXTENDED MEMORY..................00384K FOUND



and so it begun...

27 December 2003


silence is golden

25 December 2003


definitely the best 'blue screen of death' i've ever seen *huge devilish grin*

dare to touch the 'any' key? :P

22 December 2003


popular photography edisi desember 2003 mengelompokkan kamera berdasarkan:

  • pro level digital slr (1ds, 1d, d2h, d1x, 14n)
  • digital slr (10d, d100, sd10, *ist, 300d, etc)
  • digital evf (kelasnya cp5700, f717, a1,etc)
  • advanced digital compact (g5, c5060, 5400, v1, etc)
  • digital compact (a70/80, optio555, p92, cp3100, f410, etc...)
  • cute digital camera (u50, ixus, dimage-xt, casio, etc...)

mo beli yang mana, ip? *kayak yg punya duit aja!* :P

21 December 2003

new year's resolution

just uploaded a new file to fn...


new year, less ego

can i?

will i?

18 December 2003

IE spoof bug

holy cow, i gotta update my IE now!

that darn bug is so annoying...

mom, i dont want a battle drone.. just my own dancing robot on my own room.. can i have it?....

pleaseeeeeeeeeeee? 8-)

17 December 2003


i've heard that human cloning is already being done, and in fact, in one court in the u.s., a witness stated that one living human clone live in israel... in this news today, a small glimpse of a scientist steps on the process to get there...

btw, talk about cloning, i think there's no need to create army of clone (like what's on star wars II). cos looking at todays tech availibility, i'm still waiting for the day i see electronic battle drones equipped with gatling guns on top of ibot wheels... invading another iraq, if i may sound to be bitter.. :)

11 December 2003

haha... akhirnya si odek bikin blog juga :)


seumur-umur, baru malem ini megang yg namanya bola bowling

g*mb*l.. tangan jadi pegel bener x(

09 December 2003

halalbihalal blogbugs

foto-foto di hari halalbihalal blogbugs

harinya dimulai dengan bangun pagi dan siap-siap ke nikahannya gita, adeknya odek. setelah bermacet-macet di cililitan, ternyata di resepsinya gita malah ketemu sama anti, temen deketnya neng waktu di dc. small world.

dari nikahan gita langsung ke ps, janjian sama vee.


keliling-keliling ps dan dekorasi bola-bola gitu bagus juga euy.

sore-sorean kemudian sms-an ke tante eo. dan kemudian malah bumped dengan kang rickiw dan teh renha, so nongkrong bareng aja di bangku keluar 21.

jam 6, dan ternyata tam2 dah duluan di foodcourt... bareng cassie dan gacoan barunya.

bagi-bagi stok maap

please note bahwa di foto diatas didiet masih terlihat normal dengan topinya itu... ini sebelum dia ngebajak topi ita dan turned him to look like a smurf (imho)

tante dan om

si tante dan om yg bener-bener epitomize the word 'banci foto'!

iqbal lagi ngisengin sebelahnya (oy.. jailnya ntar di rumah aja dong, joe!)

ternyata ibu chrysalyc itu bawel abis ya... hehehe... first time to meet and i'm already impressed.. hihihi..

terus, pak ollie ternyata adalah satu kantor pun dengan pak sundoro, so pasti dah pernah ketemuan sometime di tahun 99 atau 2000... (pak ollie, kapan mo makan sate kiloan?... silahkan datang! :)

ngobrol panjang kali lebar (pake istilahnya si tante eo), dan jam 9 sekian baru balik.... (buset.. betah bener pade di foodcourt aje)

pulang ke rumah... dan selagi di jalan bulan ternyata lagi fullmoon!...

sampe di rumah, dan ternyata bulan masih fullmoon...

07 December 2003


so i guess liburan lebaran has finally over.. hehe... menyenangkan liburnya dan gue masih denial bahwa liburnya dah selesai.. sampe pas tadi pagi, machednya jagorawi (dimulai kilometer 12) kick me back to the reality.. its finally over.. :) bye bye deh relatif lancarnya lalu lintas jakarta..

btw, i've been doing a fotolog... and here is the address: please stop by if you can...

25 November 2003

lebaran 2003

mohon maaf lahir bathin..

wish you wish us all de best..

17 November 2003


bacaan sehat buat ngabuburit... "i pray to die henceforth"..

and i laughed my *ss off.. three times... x)

16 November 2003

beberes rumah

apa yg lagi musim pas lagi bulan puasa gini? ...

bukber.. alias buka puasa bareng...

kayak sabtu kemarin, icph dan keluarga rais ngadain bukber bersama di hari yg sama.. dan di hari itu juga mesin cuci dan boks buku-buku lagi on de wei pindahan... so instead of going bukber ke salah satu acara, i was stuck waiting for those stuff.. d*rn... so pas mo buka akhirnya menghibur diri aja dengan mesen tongseng kambing...

minggu.. ke bogor.. beli beras di hero dan nyari rumput buat [dimakan?.. mbeeee! nope].. ditanem di pekarangan. spent 3 hours maenin pacul dan sekop, mendistribusi pasir, kompos dan ai embe [aka pupuk kandang] merata ke pekaranngan, terus menanam taneman dan rumput..

sambil ngerumput [mbeeeee!!! :P ]... err salah... ngenanem.. err.. sambil berkebun itu [that's the word], kok ya jadi keinget sama mertua yg emang hobinya berkebun... semoga aja berkebun bukan kerjaan orang-orang tua aja.. gue belum mau disebut tua, jo...

btw, selamet buat adit buat bukunya!.. salute!

14 November 2003

why personal websites matter

... a personal website is not about putting private information online. it is about making available information/opinions that a person finds interesting, and in the process, indirectly documenting his/her interests, opinions, skills, and personality

nice point.. :)

13 November 2003

nikon quits film photography

nikon to focus on digital cameras

tokyo -- major japanese camera maker nikon plans to discontinue its 35-mm compact film camera operations in japan and focus on digital cameras, a report said on thursday. the company aims to boost profitability by focusing on the higher growth digital field, the nihon keizai shimbun reported, quoting company sources. a nikon spokesman said no official decision has been taken but acknowledged film camera sales were shrinking.

'it is a fact that the film camera business is shrinking worldwide. volume sales are also falling but for the time being, we will continue our film camera operations,' he said. global shipments of compact film cameras fell below expectations in the first half to september at 440,000, short of a target of 500,000, he added. on the other hand, the company on tuesday upgraded its target for digital camera sales to 5.5 million from the previous estimate of 4.6 million. last year, the company shipped 3.6 million digital cameras.

the newspaper reported that nikon will halt all development of 35mm compact cameras for the domestic market from this point on and end shipments to stores starting in the year beginning next april.

the firm currently does not make any compact film cameras in-house, instead outsourcing production to japanese companies that manufacture the cameras overseas, the newspaper reported. – afp


from news i've heard all these years, i know digital photography will overrun film one.. [6mpx di digital dah lebih baik dari film 35mm], but i didn't expect this soon... for me purrsonally, this may means two things... 1) kalo mo beli digital slr macam D100 tinggal tunggu tahun tahun depan dimana harga bakal turun abis [sok teu mode on].. dan 2) film photography bakalan makin terpinggirkan [kalo katak odek, niche].. dan kalo gue mo beli kamera film macam nikon f65, f85, beli sekarang! makin dintarin belinya, makin sedikit barangnya.. meaning most likely makin naek harganya.. :)

dan kalo sampe beli pun [kalo dapet duit jatohan entah dari mana :)], ongkos mencetak film pun bakalan makin naek.. pertimbangannya, buat studio proses foto masih lebih murah beli yg digital [banyak usernya, banyak stock barangnya]...

within 5 years, "serieus/slr" fotografi nggak bakal jadi hobi mahal lagi... [sok teu mode on lagi, tapi kayaknya bakal bener sih]

10 November 2003

talk about spam (from /.), now one vendor tried to spam user using their router... the router will route one http call for every 8 hours to a page on the vendor's web server.. unless, the user click 'no thanks' on that page once every router hard reset...

talk about buying something and getting a service it not suppose to have.. and its an annoying feature also

waiter: "hi, i'll be your waiter tonight."
customer: "great! i'd like a cup of the soup please."

[waiter takes out a hammer, thwaps customer on skull]

customer: "wtf was that for?"

waiter: "sir, i'll stop thwapping you on the head as soon as you tell me to stop."

customer: "why the hell would i have to tell you to stop?"

[waiter thwaps customer once more]

customer: "god dammit!"

waiter: "just say 'stop,' sir, and this will all be over..."

(and later when the waiter gets hard-reset, the customer would have to wear a helmet... repeat ad infinitum :)

09 November 2003

leonid shower

ayo aip!.. siap siap!! sahur jumat besok, ada leonid shower di langit!!!

05 November 2003

nggak saur

nggak saur dan telat bangun pagi ini..


04 November 2003

online dari rumah

teknisi telkom dateng ke rumah dan ngasi tau kalo telkom dah ngasih nomor di 'rumah di ujung dunia' ini...

hore!.. yippeeee!!! whatever!!.... akhirnya jadi bagian dunia telekomunikasi juga tempat ini..

sehabis sesiangan nungguin si teknisi ngoprek kabel dan testing sana sini, nyala juga line telponnya... mhuahahaha.. xP

nggak tunggu ba bu lagi, gue langsung cabut ke ratu plasa.. beli modem.. mwakaka..

cabut pulang, tarik kabel telpon dari ruang tamu ke lantai atas, terus modem langsung dipasang..

setengah jam kemudian win-xp dah siap nge-dial-up...!

gue cengar-cengir sendiri ngedenger suara handshakingnya si modem (dah lama nggak denger)

nggak sampe semenit, dah connected.. msmsg langsung kedap-kedip connecting..

nggak sampe lima menit, dah browsing mulai ngedownload yahoomsg..

nggak sampe sepuluh menit, si xp tau-tau pingsan error shutting-down


.. rpc error, need to be restarted.. dammit!!! blaster worm kuda-laut! cupang mati! pisang gosong! anjrit!!!!

gue jadi nyadar bahua selama ini keenakan ngebrowsing dibelakang firewall di kantor, jadi lupa kalo konek langsung ke internet dari rumah begini dah way beyond my previous knowledge lagi.. i feel so dumb...

ndak sampe dua jam dari tadi mulai nyala, si komputer masih discan pake fixblast.exe...

soal secuity, i guess microsoft is truly juancuk

btw, son.. thx ya buat paketnya.. ;)

02 November 2003

too busy typing the codes but stiil wanna have muscles like me?

no problemo!

30 October 2003

sexuality check

am i a boy/male or a girl/female?

have a check...

28 October 2003

a good fotolog


how about here in jkt?

27 October 2003


dengan malu hati, hari ini saya mengakui bahwa saya addicted kepada benda itu..

empat tahun sudah saya tidak bisa mengelak untuk tidak menggunakannya..

pagi-pagi saat jam kerja baru mulai, saya pakai itu dahulu

ndak pakai itu, otakku jadi keram

saya kira saya bisa hentikan kebiasaan itu setelah sekian hari ndak pakai, tapi pagi ini pun terjadi lagi...

piye iki?...

23 October 2003

wrap up minggu kemarin

wrap up minggu kemarin

spent the weekend dengan rute jalan bogor-pancoran-cinere-tangerang-bogor-sukabumi-cianjur-bandung-purwakarta-rawasari-bogor... entah berapa kilometer totalnya.. jalan ke sukabumi disapa macet di cicurug, dan puncaknya malem minggu di bandung malah ditemenin hujan yg gak mau pergi...

dari bandung ke purwakarta lewat jalan tol baru.. dari purwakarta ke jkt lewat pintu tol baru pula... i bet saat jalan tol baru itu selesai (ci-pu-larang?), weekend bakal asoy dijalanin bolak balik jkt-bdg.. (terus macet yg biasanya ada di padalarang bakal pindah kemana?)

btw, banyak yg nyasar ke blog nggak jelas ini buat nyari lirik lagu band cokelat.. padahal coklat ndak ada disini.. mungkin adanya disana...


if i can meet God, what question would i ask Him?

20 October 2003

a young man learns

a young man learns what's most important in life from the guy next door.

it had been some time since jack had seen the old man. college, girls, career, and life itself got in the way. in fact, jack moved clear across the country in pursuit of his dreams.

there, in the rush of his busy life, jack had little time to think about the past and often no time to spend with his wife and son. he was working on his future, and nothing could stop him.

over the phone, his mother told him, "mr. belser died last night. the funeral is wednesday."

memories flashed through his mind like an old newsreel as he sat quietly remembering his childhood days.

"jack, did you hear me?"

"oh, sorry, mom. yes, i heard you. it's been so long since i thought of him. i'm sorry, but i honestly thought he died years ago," jack said.

"well, he didn't! forget you. every time i saw him he'd ask how you were doing. he'd reminisce about the many days you spent over 'his side of the fence' as he put it," mom told him.

"i loved that old house he lived in," jack said.

"you know, jack, after your father died, mr. belser stepped in to make sure you had a man's influence in your life," she said.

"he's the one who taught me carpentry," he said.
"i wouldn't be in this business if it weren't for him. he spent a lot of time teaching me things he thought were, i'll be there for the funeral," jack said.

as busy as he was, he kept his word. jack caught the next flight to his hometown. mr. belser's funeral was small and uneventful. he had no children of his own, and most of his relatives had passed away.

the night before he had to return home, jack and his mom stopped by to see the old house next door one more time.

standing in the door! way, jack paused for a moment. it was like crossing over into another dimension, a leap through space and time. the house was exactly as he remembered. every step held memories. every picture, every piece of furniture....jack stopped suddenly.

"what's wrong, jack?" his mom asked.

"the box is gone," he said.

"what box? " mom asked.

"there was a small gold box that he kept locked on top of his desk. i must have asked him a thousand times what was inside. all he'd ever tell me was 'the thing i value most,'" jack said.

it was gone. everything about the house was exactly how jack remembered it, except for the box.he figured someone from the belser family had taken it.

"now i'll never know what was so valuable to him,"
jack said. "i better get some sleep. i have an early flight home, mom."

it had been about two weeks since mr. belser died.returning home from work one day jack discovered a note in his mailbox. "signature required on a package. no one at home. please stop by the main post office within the next three days," the note read.

early the next day jack retrieved the package. the small box was old and looked like it had been mailed a hundred years ago. the handwriting was difficult to read, but the return address caught his attention.

"mr. harold belser" it read.

jack took the box out to his car and ripped open the package. there inside was the gold box and an envelope. jack's hands shook as he read the note inside. "upon my death, please forward this box and its contents to jack bennett. it's the thing i valued most in my life."

a small key was taped to the letter. his heart racing, as tears filling his eyes, jack carefully unlocked the box. there inside he found a beautiful gold pocket watch. running his fingers slowly over the finely etched casing, he unlatched the cover.

inside he found these words engraved: "jack, thanks for your time! harold belser."

"the thing he valued time."

jack held the watch for a few minutes, then called his office and cleared his appointments for the next two days.

"why?" janet, his assistant asked.
"i need some time to spend with my son," he said.

"oh, by the way, janet...thanks for your time!"

"life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away,"

think about this. you may not realize it, but it's 100% true.

1. at least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. at least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. the only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. a smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. you mean the world to someone.

7. if not for you, someone may not be living.

8. you are special and unique.

9. when you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you trust god to do what's best, and wait on his time, probably, sooner or later, you will get it or something better.

10. when you make the biggest mistake ever, something good can still come from it.

11. when you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.

13. always remember the compliments you received. forget about the rude remarks.

14. always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know and you'll both be happy.

15. if you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.

15 October 2003


ada melon tumbuh liar di halaman

dari mana datangnya?

13 October 2003

hua.. another monday

somewhere between the second and the third job i did this morning, i miss my home

as always, monday is never my favourite...

09 October 2003

gigantic holodeck

from new scientist :

perplexing observations beamed back by a nasa spacecraft are fuelling debates about a mystery of biblical proportions - is our universe infinite? scientists have announced tantalising hints that the universe is actually relatively small, with a hall-of-mirrors illusion tricking us into thinking that space stretches on forever.

so maybe its a gigantic holodeck after all... the universe, i mean.. :)


all in all, this week i spent total of 8 working hours di klien for doing a supposed to be simple setup but turned out to be headache... the task is to move one active database for client pricing analysis apps dari ms-access ke informix.. empat jam pertama berkutat di setting up detail koneksi di informix client yang ada di web server.. which tetep leads to no connection succesfull di asp (kalo dari dari informix stand-alone client sih bisa... kenapa coba? :P).. diakalin pake table-link ke informix di dalam ms-access dan nggak jalan juga...

3 jam berikutnya dijalani dengan mengerjakan exact same things di web server testing... dan it works... so 1 jam berikutnya dijalanin dengan bengang bengong di depan web server production being clueless of not knowing mesti diapain lagi itu server..

padahal web server testing cuma satu laptop enteng kecil murah meriah etc etc, sementara web server production itu web server segede kulkas dan runningnya diatas hp/ux yang belinya bisa buat ngegaji orang sekampung...

kalo ini lagi dalem mimpi, udah gue sepak itu server kacrut.. hehe...

keputusann akhirnya, oprekan di web server development akan dilanjutkan lagi setelah servernya nanti akan coba di-restart (ah windows, how adorable...)

08 October 2003


baca-baca blog ita dan killy, penasaran juga sama apa yang namanya orbs..

dan waktu di millenia kemarin, dan tanya-tanya dan coba mengikuti petunjuk ita buat njepret sudut-sudut yang kalo pake kameranya ada bulatan-bulatan putih tipis keliatan..

but alas... dicoba sekian kali dan no orbs atawa buletan putih muncul whatsoever...

kenapa juga?

dari websitenya fuji, ini penjelasannya soal bulatan putih itu..

so my camdig can not capture the same dusts camdignya ita tangkep?

beda karena lensanya.. atau flashnya?..

05 October 2003

nini masih sakit

menjenguk nini lagi di rumah sakit..

ternyata akibat suhu tubuh nini smepet naik ke 40 derajat celcius, nini jadi rada-rada amnesia gitu.. lupa sama detail keluarga... pas bi hunhun nanya 'ini siapa, mak?' ke nini sambil nunjuk si neng, nini cuma ngejawab 'tetangga'.. sekeluarga cuma nahan sedih sekaligus nahan supaya nggak ketawa cekikikan liat wajah neng yang rada gondok.. hehe...

gue masih mikir semua ini lucu sampe liat wajah nini yang keliatan kesel saat nggak khatam khatam mengingat kembali nama anak-anaknya... "lukman... hunhun... djenah.. errr..."

"ani, mak... aniiiiiiii..." bantu bi hunhun ke nini..

nini pun mengulang lagi hapalannya... "lukman... hunhun... ".. dan tersendat lagi hapalannya..

kalo dah gini berasa nyesel nggak banyak berinteraksi sama nini pas nini lagi sehat... kalo dah sakit begini, gimana bisa ngobrol panjang lebar?...


gue pernah denger bahwa tuhan bilang bahwa di dunia ini tuhan nggak bermaksud ngasih penderitaan, yg bikin penderitaan adalah manusia itu sendiri..

somehow between bengong liat nini dan idlenya kepala, it suddenly make sense.. manusia dikasih banyak pilihan oleh tuhan untuk do whatever they want... dan apapun yang dikerjakan oleh satu manusia akan mempunyai efek terhadap manusia lainnya (sejalan dengan event horizon si manusia tersebut kepada lingkungannya).. hal kecil yang dikerjakan may leads to one misery onto someone else in the future...

make sense, no?

02 October 2003

nini sakit

kemarin saat pulang kantor dan tiba di parkiran, langsung terima kabar dari tetangga kalo nini (nenek dari neng) makin parah sakitnya dan mesti dibawa ke rumah sakit.. pintu garasi yang udah gue buka pun gue tutup lagi dan langsung cabut ke rumah sakit

sampe di rumah sakit, nini masih di ugd sementara bi fat ngurus-ngurus kamar mana buat nini tempatin.. yg gue rasain saat masuk ke ruang ugd awalnya biasa aja (i already healed from the anger of having some pills for killing my migraine thru my butt there some month ago... long story... story for which terlalu jijay bajay buat diceritain.. hehe.. my ass is no longer virgin.. gosh.. hehe)... biasa aja liat suasananya.. semua sama kayak dulu.. tapi pas liat bi dedeh matanya merah di samping nini.. learning that nini udah nggak bisa communicate ke sapa-sapa, it all went south from there... :( gue cuma bisa diem sambil liat kiri kanan make sure bahwa nggak ada masalah buat bi fat masukin nini ke rumah sakit..

dan gue just fine sampe saat dimana nini udah dibawa masuk ke ruangan, dan beberapa yang nganter baca surah yasin pelan-pelan... my heart sunk.. sedih...

29 September 2003

ultah bareng

bangun pagi, dan bareng-bareng keluarga mus yang lagi nginep di rumah cabs ke puncak...

nurul in action.. aaauuoooooooooooooooo!!!...

balik dari taman safari, langsung ke millenia, cikini...

makasih buat anak-anak blogbugs atas acara ngumpulnya.. jerry, itha, doddy, iqbal, wahyu atas kadonya... terima kasih juga buat ibu eo dan emsi rizq.. kapan lagi kan bisa nonton bokep rame-rame?.. ;P

nambah lagi satu gadget, hp ipaq h5500.. setelah dulu cuma sebentaran pake casiopea, sekarang bisa ngoprek-ngoprek benda pocket-pc lagi.. bluetooth (connect flawlessly to nokia 3650 dan pc di rumah.. activesync pulak).. wireless lan (belum bisa dites karena nggak punya wlan adapter.. di kantor pun walau ada wlan hub tapi minta aksesnya bisa mesti adu golok dulu.. sigh).. fingerprint security/recognition (agak bolot, tapi keren abis... hehe)..

am i going to convert from palmos to microsoft's dark side? ;)

let see.. sejauh ini data yang udah pindah dari clie ke ipaq adalah contact, task/to-do, memo, html dan pic viewer.... yang belum pindah tinggal calendar... somehow pake agendus di palm masih jauh lebih nyaman dibanding calendarnya ipaq..

doc, xls dan ppt viewer clie bagusan di ipaq... 128mb ram plus 400mhz intel x-scale asoy bener buat nyetel mp3.. [so there went my creative nomad mp3, hehe.. sayang memory ipaq pake secure digital, jadi smart medianya nomad jaid nganggur]

tapi resolusi layar benda ipaq ini kalah jauh kalo dibanding my sony clie sj30 thou...

24 September 2003

back from hiatus

so many things going on while the two month i'm away...

  1. kak yan dan betsy liburan musim panas di jakarta... along with them, came also the nieces..

  2. i got a digicam.. finally.. after two years jungkir balik pake kodak palm-pix aja..

  3. lulus kuliah... akhirnya selesai juga itu thesis.. dan alhamdulillah pak johny moningka & pak sjarif abdat ngasih nilai 'a' buat itu thesis.. makes me feels it really pays to spent those typing 100-something pages at nights

  4. liburan keluarga di puncak

  5. neng ulang taun

  6. mulai pindahan barang ke rumah baru..

  7. i'm selling my car now.. punya rumah di ujung dunia sana udah nggak cocok pake mobil kayak sembalap begini...

di jual! di jual! :)

toyota twincam th. 91, se limited, 1.6, warna hitam metalik, rt/ac, body dan mesin bagus, ban lima limanya baru

berminat? silahken hubungi yosephi 0818 792 714

hee.. so i guess i'm now officially back from hiatus..

14 September 2003

happy birthday to me

scene 1:
jam 7:30 pagi dan gue lagi nyetir mobil di pramuka.. di saat ngobrol soal emak gue yg menelpon tadi pagi, neng tiba-tiba menangis... menangis karena mengetahui bahwa ia lupa hari ini adalah hari ulang tahun gue..

melihat ia menangis, gue jadi ikut menangis... hik hik :(

hari ini memang ultah gue, tapi kok ya harinya dimulai dengan cara yang aneh gini?...

scene 2:
flashback... malam hari sebelumnya..

"a.. do you still love me?.. even thou i'm not as pretty as i used to be?"..

out of the blue, si neng tau tau bertanya begitu..

"he?.." si aip confused.. dan kemudian dengan bodohnya berkata

"dont worry, my dear.. love is indeed blinding"..

"he?.. hik.. ciaaaaaaaaaaat!!!!"... si neng goes berzerk dan melemparkan satu balchagi ke jidat si aip

scene 2 ini kemudian dihentikan, karena adegan kekerasan tidak boleh ditampilkan pada tayangan ini...

13 August 2003


definite hiatus for an undefinite time..

05 August 2003

typing yg never ending?

revision 232, 8045 minutes.... gosh!

"8045 minutes in front of ms-word?... is that you ip doing that?.. " kata si andi ke si aip yang lagi ngetik di depan komputer

"sigh.. pusing... bosen... muak... ^#&*@*! etc dsb"...

sebegitu muaknya si aip dengan benda yang lagi ia ketik, sampe mukenye ngelipet sendiri karena nggak bisa nemu supah serapah macamana yg pas buat ngewakilin apa yang dirasain...

"kali enakan jadi kapten haddock, ya ndi..." kata si aip ke si andi

"he?.. kenapa, ip? "

"iya, kayaknya dia gampang aja buat ngilangin mumet.. tinggal teriak-teriak aja.. seribu juta topan badai.. ten thousand thundering thypoon..... nggak ketahan apa yang ada di kepala.." jawab si aip sambil ngegaruk-garuk kepalanya

hmm.. kalo lagi stress tuh enaknya ngapain ya?...

ps: my deepest condolence untuk korban bom jw marriot hari ini... my middle finger buat si teroris bgst...

16 July 2003

farewell, imam...

the news came very early in the monday morning..
a friend of me and neng has passed away...
usia masih 29, but yet umur manusia siapa yang tau..

i've never seen so many friends i know cry at the same time...
i guess he left all of us in a deep grief...
its all too sudden..

world turns black and white
pictures in an empty room
your love starts fallin' down
better change your tune
you reach for the golden ring
reach for the sky
baby just spread your wings

we'll get higher and higher
straight up we'll climb
we'll get higher and higher
leave it all behind

run, run, run away
like a train runnin' off the track
got the truth bein' left behind
falls between the cracks
standin' on broken dreams
never losin' sight
well just spread your wings

we'll get higher and higher
straight up we'll climb
we'll get higher and higher
leave it all behind

so baby dry your eyes
save all the tears you've cried
oh, that's what dreams are made of
'cause we belong in a world that must be strong
that's what dreams are made of

buat teman kami imam bawono.. selamat jalan..
semoga disisiNya bisa lo temuin kebahagiaan sejati...

26 June 2003

till the end of september '03, this page is on hiatus...

17 June 2003

select cityname from mastercity where countryid = 'id' and cityname like 'ci%'

cikalong kulon
cikalong wetan
(30 row(s) affected)

kesimpulan sementara:
1) semua kota dengan dua huruf depan 'ci', kecuali cilacap, ada di jawa barat+banten
2) menyebutkan satu persatu nama semua kota dengan dua huruf depan 'ci' di indonesia bisa bikin cape
3) there is never not enough time to do some useless things no matter how overworked or underworked someone is...

12 June 2003

yah ndi... baru sekian hari sedikit bebas dari kekangan si administraitor soal black list di proxy, ngaco lagi dia pagi ini.. akses gue diturunin dari admin lokal ke user lokal.. watta****!... dampaknya aplikasi homesite trial yang gue install jadi nggak jalan [unable to create registry keys], pda jadi gak bisa hotsync ke outlook [unable to load sync component], gak bisa akses drive c: [access denied], gak bisa install software trial lagi [not enough priviledge to perform this action].. shoo.. paranoid banget sih para domain admin ini? :(

in many ways, i've been in their position before, ip.. waktu dulu ngeassist setup windows nt 4.0 workstation sekian biji di pijlw, ngemanaje nat-router sama file server di iam, bikin network buat warnet... i can understand why they are doing it [i can even understand when sometimes they are overdoing it]

i know.. but what still bothers me is that they dont even inform me for doing that... moreover asking my opinion for that.... still, thank god mr. gates created runas.exe... if you catch my drift, ndi... ;)

hey... i know what you're thinking!.. so stop it you shameless ungratefull domain user!!!

*kla klik kla*... the sound of si aip clicking d keyboard overrided my voice...

11 June 2003

at first, there was void...

oops.. wrong one.. so here it goes...

pertama-tama, daftar aktivitas kerja karyawan di-entry menggunakan satu form hardcopy.. ditulis, kemudian diberikan kepada manager atawa supervisor.. diapprove oleh supervisor.. kemudian diberikan kepada personalia untuk dihitungkan jam lembur.. personalia kemudian membayarkan uang lembur bersamaan dengan pembayaran gaji bulan berikutnya...

setelah sekian tahun, kemudian ketemu cara kedua... daftar aktifitas kerja karyawan diketik di form ms-excel.. kemudian aplikasi excel menghitung secara otomatis berapa jam kerja lembur si karyawan... setelah selesai entry, form excel dicetak.. kemudian diberikan kepada manager untuk approval... dan untuk kemudian diberikan personalia untuk membayarkan uang lembur tersebut bersamaan dengan pembayaran gaji...

setelah sekian waktu, ditemukan cara ketiga... daftar aktivitas kerja karyawan diketikkan di form web based intranet, yang kemudian dihitung waktu lemburnya.. dan kemudian diapprove oleh manager... yang kemudian daftar jam lembur tersebut diberikan kepada system sap, yang sedianya akan menghitung uang lembur dan menginstruksikan bank transfer bersamaan dengan pembayaran gaji bulan depan.. bagi pekerja di luar kantor yang tidak terkoneksi ke intranet, aktifitas kerja diisikan masih di form excel, namun dikirimkan ke staff manager untuk diimport ke database.. agar bisa kemudian di-approve oleh manager... dan so-on untuk kemudian dibayarkan via bank transfer..

dan hari ini.. dibuat cara ke empat.... while everything is still the same dari sisi kegiatan dalam kantor, namun dari sisi pekerja luar kantor aktifitas kerja diisikan ke dalam satu form offline html, yang setelah selesai akan menuliskan file xml.. yang kemudian file ini dikirimkan via email untuk masuk ke database... setelah approval dari manager, uang lembur secara otomatis akan dibayarkan via bank transfer...

di satu sisi, kemajuan teknologi membawa efisiensi tinggi buat aktifitas kerja perusahaan... [kalau dihitung, staf personalia sudah ndak perlu lagi menghitung jam lembur untuk sekian ribu karyawan disini.. kemudian ndak perlu lagi mengurisi pembayaran gaji tetek bengek setiap akhir bulan...]

tapi disisi lain, sedih juga melihat kolega di personalia yang setelah sistem ini berjalan jadi ndak punya kerjaan.. dan pilihannya hanya satu, melamar ke department lain.. atau golden shakehand ..astalavista, beibih!...

mengimplementasikan sistem informasi di negara yang overloaded dengan pengangguran ini kok rasanya sedih ya?

buat pak uki.. maafkan saya ya pak kalo sampai bapak ndak bisa kerja disini lagi... bukan maksud saya pak.. sungguh.. *pasang muka melas*

10 June 2003

it is confirmed by d information security officer in here, bahua ternyata anomali bahuasanya saya bisa mengakses * seminggu terakhir ini adalah dikarenakan filtering list buat ms-proxy disini sudah didrop dan digantikan menggunakan daftar situs terblok resmi yang dimaintain oleh cio singapur.... thank god!.. akhirnya gue bisa sedikit lebih bebas daripada power abuse sang system administraitor... lagian kenapa juga sih selama ini blogspot di blok?.. :) karena spotnya kah?.. g-spot gitu? >) xP .. di daftar filtering cio blogspot ternyata nggak masuk tuh... ditambahin sendiri kah oleh si sysadmin?

hmm.. are we tend to abuse every power we have?... atau apakah para sysadmin memang sedemikian, sehingga pasrah untuk menjalani tugas.. to extend and uphold the law... ada yang bilang security itu fungsinya to keep honest people honest, and to keep the paranoid people paranoid..... well maybe i cant say that i am all honest, but seing a sysadmin doing de job surely shows the paranoia...

craziest idea for today: ikatan cendikiawan patah hati ketemuan buat latihan bikin boys-band... .. sigh... wattaf---!..

08 June 2003

weekend diawali dengan ac mobil yang went kaput..

diakhiri dengan total jarak ditempuh: 603km..

my *ss is as sore as a taxi driver on extended overtime... shoo.. x(

sampe rumah semalem jam 12:30.. hit the deck jam 01:30..

and now i dont know whether i'm sober enough for working or not.. and still i come to work..

oo how i love mah boss... :P

04 June 2003

kapan satu website bisa disebut sebagai weblog? blog bukan? personal web site blog kah?..

imho... dari katanya, weblog terdiri dari web dan log... so it must be web based atau web accessible, dan berupa log... sementara sifat dari web itu lebih gampang didefinisikan, sifat dari log sendiri itu gimana? tanpa riset kata ke atawa lain lain, if i may jump to my own guess, log itu kudu machine/tools generated [typing a blog using an html editor, imho, is considered only as a personal web page] dan muncul berkala [its not a blog is it aint a log]...

dari sudut pandang lain, weblog itu bisa jadi perkembangan dari personal web pages.. jadi kalo dulu sifatnya hanya publishing by using html tools, sekarang dah publishing via blog tools [tools yang orientasinya ke entry berkala, berarsip dan kemudian searchable]... perkembangan berikutnya dari blog adalah adanya comment... kalo dulu di personal web page cuma ada gesbuk, sekarang dah pake chat-board, shout-box whatever.. yang imho, extend the page function from only a publishing upto become an interaction place...

menariknya, di ebusiness ada urutan fungsionalitas dari exploitasi benda ebusiness.. yaitu pitas: publishing, interaction, transaction, automation and lastly streamlining...

so.. page sekarang sudah pindah dari sekedar publishing ke interaction.. klop gak?

dan untuk bagian transaction, automation dan streamlining, saya ndak tau apakah itu relevan dengan blog.. mesti direnungkan lebih lanjut kayaknya...

anyway, there is a nice article regarding what makes a weblog a weblog.. its about style and features i think... it said that weblog must be personal.. surely that counts out from consideration as a weblog..

dari palminfocenter, ada satu lagi racun dah siap menggoda... bah!..

just visited, downloaded two free ebooks onto my pda, john dalmas' the lion of far side and keith laumer's oddisey.. hopefully these books can entertain me while i'll be waiting for my wife on her office at every 5pm..

baru aja exchanging email dengan arlan, tentang ide gimana kalo bikin satu film pendek aja, dengan tema star trek, bercerita soal apa yang terjadi setelah cochrane menjalani first contact.. berbahasa indonesia... ide bagus gak ya?

03 June 2003

sentul kode area telponnya masih 021, tapi kok ndak dicover telkomflexi ya?..

tanya-tanya ke telkom cibinong, konon akan masuk pada bulan agustus 2003...

semoga bener..

29 May 2003

selesai sudah benda pembuat stress selama dua minggu ini... selesai sudah prototype benda web based corporate time sheet management itu dipresentasikan dihadapan cio dan gerombolan manajer... dapet segudang komplain soal fungsionalitas dan cara pemakaian, but i dont care... biar cynthia aja yang nulis daftar perbaikannya di minutes of meeting, and i'll fix them some time next week...

yang penting sekarang dah lewat meetingnya, dah diterima bendanya... dont care too much about the cio wanted that staff proyek yang ada di irian jaya sana kudu bisa kirim data time sheetnya via email directly onto the sql server for later approval.. [we already develop that interface done via excel file import using visual basic, but d cio dont anymore stand alone tools to be installed on d workstation... kenapa gak bisa pas lagi data gathering phase, om?]...

i know the schedule is very tight.. by the second week of june, key user udah kudu ditraining biat mereka bisa test d apps supaya kemudian bisa ngasih review.. but for this moment, like i said before.. i dont care!!! *grin*

yang penting sekarang adl its the beginning of a long weekend... dan gue happy abizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

27 May 2003

seminggu kok kayaknya hectic banget ya, ndi.. kayak penuh ini itu dari bangun pagi sampe tidur malem.. kegiatan dari pagi sampe malem padahal sama aja.. rutin aja.. bangun jam 5, jam 7 berangkat, jam 5 pulang, jemput neng, terus balik lewat menteng atawa lewat senen.. kalo lagi butuh belanja, mampir dulu ke carefour ratu plaza atau cemput, kalo selasa mampir dulu ke senayan, kalo jumat ketemuan dulu sama anak2 friday~night... but somehow so far this week has already been exhausting... kenapa ya, ndi?..

sampe kantor pasti ngantuk.. terus kalo dah jam 8-an, pasti dah berat kepala mo hit the deck... dan neng pun ngerasaain hal yang sama...

puncaknya semalem.. jam 5 pulang kantor langsung ke sudirman buat jemput neng, terusberdua langsung ke slipi ke kantor nyokap.. abis maghrib dari slipi lewat tenabang langsung ke cemput lewat senen buat ambil kreditan ac... jam 8 selagi nganter nyokap balik ke tangerang, i already feel sleepy.. dan begitu sampe rumah di tangerang instantly hit the deck in front of tv... tidurrrr.. maunya tidur pules tapi karena masih mesti balik ke kayu putih, jadi ya tidur ayam hasilnya.. jam 10:30 balik ke jkt, niatan buat ngisi bensin sampe batal gara2 sedemikian ngantuknya kita berdua..

kenapa.. kenapa.. kenapa...


jam berapa hari minggu kemaren tidur, ip?

err.. 12:30.. 01:00am perhaps..

seger nggaknya ngejalanin satu minggu kayaknya tergantung dari seberapa early tidur dimulai di minggu malam... tul gak?


26 May 2003

if the west is concerned about human rights in the arab world then why isn't it concerned about arab lives as human beings?

if those being killed in palestine were buffaloes, organisations for the protection of animals would have intervened...

22 May 2003

content ini mesej gile bener.. banyak banget isi acaranya?... weleh.. :)

got an email from anna :

how can a stranger tell if two people are married?
you might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids.(derrick, age 8)

what do you think your mom and dad have in common?
both don't want any more kids. (lori, age 8)

how would you make a marriage work?
tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck (ricky, age 10)

kids are just getting so much smarter, dont you think? :)

20 May 2003

lha... kok blog ini kok hilang dari pandangan?

what heppeeeeennnn misterrr bloggerrrrrrr?? apa karena daku memakai yang gretongan kah?? :P

18 May 2003

jarak ditempuh di last weekend: 373km...

12 May 2003

sedianja pertoendjoekan seni

in the name of art, i'm showing you my butt..
in the name of god, i'm showing you my butt..
in the name of sexualism, i'm showing you my butt..
in the name of sensualism, i'm showing you my butt..
in the name of freedom-of-expression, i'm showing you my butt..
in the name of [please fill the appropriate word here], i'm showing you my butt..

what difference does it makes, inul?

your butt is still shown for the world to see...

aint your momma weeps for you doin' that?

08 May 2003

somehow i remember my old friend rengge this morning.. how is he doing lately?... sesudah makan bareng di hanamasa mahakam sekian bulan lalu, benda ini menghilang aja tanpa pesan... apa karena sibuk di kerjaan ya?..

rengge kerja sebagai project officer di satu konsultan city landscape planning.. clientnya kota-kota kabupaten se-indonesia, so sangat dimaklumi aja kalo dia bisa tau-tau ngilang sekian minggu tanpa kabar apa apa.. kerjaannya bisa lead him stuck on one rural place with no phone nor any bts available..

trying out my luck, i push his mobil number... dan konek euy...

it turned out bahwa rengge baru balik semalem dari kerjaannya... dan sore ini langsung mo cabut lagi.. ke lampung...

sibuk banget, ngge?...

nggak.. gue ke lampung bukan kerja kok... tapi mo ngumpul sama keluarga besar.. mo rapat nikahan gue..

hehehehe.. dah dapet tanggalnya nih? emang lo dah ngelamar emil, ngge? :)

udah.. hehe.. ;) kata si rengge

dude.. no kidding... congrat!... akhirnya... terkumpulnya juga keberanian yang ketahan dah sekian waktu.. slamet man!!!

thus kemudian rengge bilang mo ngirim kartu undangannya ke tempat kerja si aip, tapi si aip nggak mau dateng pas nikahannya rengge...

knapa, ip?

dateng pas ijab-kabulnya dooong.. hehhe.. lebih hikmad

alhamdulillah.. bisa juga gue kesampean denger kabar baik ini, ndi.. of all the best friends i have or i used to have, rengge is the earliest one.... dari jaman kuda kelas 3 es-de... ngayal bisa nabung 50 rupiah perhari supaya pas lulus es-em-a bisa beli mobil trailer kemping.. buat jalan2 keliling indonesia.. [lol... impian anak es-de yang cinta pelajaran pe-em-pe abisss :] ... terus jaman es-em-pe bareng si mus bikin siaran radio fm, nyolder pemancar sendiri.. naik gunung bareng... thus **** *** *** ******* ** *** ********* ** ***** [edited on dec 2008 due to there is no such thing as anonimity on the net].. :( losing contact with him for more than 10 years... dan sukur bisa bersinggungan jalan lagi dan dia dah 'lurus'... semoga aja gue ada umur buat bisa dateng ke ijab-kabulnya, ya ndi...

betemen itu enak ya...

i will be walking one day
down a street far away
and see a face in the crowd and smile
knowing how you made me laugh
hearing sweet echoes of you from the past
i will remember you

look in my eyes while you're near
tell me what's happening here
see that i don't want to say goodbye
our love is frozen in time
i'll be your champion and you will be mine
i will remember
i will remember you

later on
when this fire is an ember
later on
when the night's not so tender
given time
though it's hard to remember darlin'
i will be holding
i'll still be holding to you
i will remember you

so many years come and gone
and yet the memory is strong
one word we never could learn
true love is frozen in time
i'll be your champion and you will be mine
i will remember you
so please remember
i will remember you
(amy grant)

06 May 2003

kalo diinget, bangun pagi ini males sekali... males banget buat berangkat kerja.. selain males, kayaknya karena masih belum recover pula si aip dari operasinya [ini alesan aja bukan ya?]

beda banget si aip kalo dibanding sama si opik... si opik setiap hari rajin berangkat kerja... berangkat kerja bolak balik kemang - mampang menggunakan... speda!..

pertama kali kedengeran si opik pagi berangkat dan sore pulang bersepeda, gerombolan icph bingung... "macamana pulak bisa menggenjot sepeda di jakarta yang padat begini?"

opik, sang neo kamen rider

"agar bersemangat dan sekaligus sehat, gimana kalo lo naek speda juga ip pulang balik kantor?" tanya andi ke si aip

"rawamangun - pancoran, ndi?.. hehe.. yang ada tiap pulang gue minta urut melulu deh sama bini" :)
an information system consultant is on a meeting with a prospectous client..

"so what solution can you give to my company anyway?" tanya si prospek

"well.. we have been able to support many businesses by building systems which are cheap, secure and convenient. you can pick any two from those characteristics..." jawab si konsultan sambil nyengir..

hehe.. emang ada apa ya konsultan yang jujur, ndi?

ngeliat tiga kata di atas itu, si aip jadi inget sama kuliahnya pak alex rusli.. entah diagram yang digambar pak alex waktu itu persisnya kayak apa, tapi djikalaoe diandaiken dalam membuat sesuatu mempunyai tiga acuan hasil, yaitu kualitas, biaya dan waktu, penitik beratan terhadap satu bagian (misalnya sesuatu tersebut berkualitas tinggi, maka bagian biaya dan waktu harus digendjot.. demikian juga, misalnya sesuatu tersebut harus biayanya rendah, maka waktu dan kualitas akan ikut rendah pula...

diagram yg entah apa namanya

kalo disambung ke si konsultan di atas, secure dan convenient itu adalah bagian dari kualitas, sedangkan cheap adalah bagian dari biaya.. sementara faktor waktu belum dibicarakan oleh si konsultan...

mungkin anti-klimaks dari what-may-so-called anekdot di atas adalah sebenernya bisa aja sistem informasi yang secure dan convinient didevelop sama si konsultan, but it wont be cheap and the project wont be short..
sementara masih dalam tahap pasca-op, seminggu gue cuma tergeletak di depan tivi. ceklak ceklik remote.. watching one infotainment to another... hasilnya: i feel very sick seeing inul's ass..

inul sangat sopan skale

maybe it's my own fault for watching too much tv, but i surely be glad of that ass is no longer contaminating my sight..

"ini seni, lho masss".. suara kecil mendayu dayu di kepala

"yeah right... seni your ass!" jawab si aip sambil nyublek ke bawah bantal

05 May 2003

whataweek... went thru a surgery to remove my appendix...

btw, yang saya dapatken dari operasi appendix kemarin adalah :
1) keberanian buat ketemu sama jarum suntik :)
2) kesimpulan bahwa.. istirahat dirumah sambil tetep digaji itu ternyata enak ya...x)
3) sehat itu mahal (klise gak sih?)

things that i lost:
1) well.. my appendix.. what else? x)

things that i miss:
1) indomie goreng porsi jumbo pake sambel abc [entah gara2 operasi atawa obat, lidah jadi gak tahan pedes sekarang]
2) pengen bisa lagi ketawa gede2, bersin kenceng2.. dan ngulet kayak kucing baru bangun tidur... [soalnya ngerjain salah satu dari tiga benda tersebut (ketawa, bersin & ngulet) saat ini nggak mungkin.. masih berasa sakit... makanya pengen banget bisa ngulet x)]

24 April 2003

nikon e2500, f/4.5, iso-100, 1/500, +1, posterized

ke manggarai itu lewat mana ya bang?

"lewat sono, dek..." jawabnya sambil menunjukkan arah dengan penuh semangat...

orang bikin patung kok ya sampe miring begitu yak?
cool stuff..

22 April 2003

white house press briefing with ari fleischer, tuesday, april 22, 2003 - 12:30 pm

mokhiber: msnbc reported this week that israel's nuclear weapons arsenal rivals that of france and britain. given that arsenal, does the president support syria's call to make the middle east a region free of weapons of mass destruction?

ari fleischer: the united states has always supported the middle east as a region free of weapons of mass destruction, lester.

mokhiber: if i could follow up. does israel have nuclear weapons?

ari fleischer: that's a question you need to ask to israel, lester.

[asking the israelis to confirm their possesion of wmd? ... as if that is unknown already.. o, daddy... may i laugh my *ss off for that kind of answer? lol]

21 April 2003

related to april, 21st day... here is a news from gender-equality department :

women were just as good as men at virtual navigation when they had a large computer display. ... a standard monitor gives a viewing angle of about 35°. with a larger screen, giving a viewing angle of 70°, women navigated better. and with two screens delivering a 100° angle, women matched men's spatial abilities. "the gender difference simply disappeared," says [d expert] [more details]

maybe this is why while i feel a.o.k with that 29" tv at home, my wife has been banging my head instead, asking me to upgrade the tv to 34" or more... i guess i have to blame this headache to d 'women's lack of normal spatial viewing ability'.... no pun intended ;)
after a possible move to syria has been condemned, it looks like u.s. is still agressive on north korea.... it is indeed true that north korea may have wmd (weapon of mass destruction)... the word is still may, while it is ironic that wmd facilities on israel is barely noticed by public knowledge..

and talk about democracy in iraq, what if this democracy would result that u.s. will be asked by the iraqis to leave iraq... will they go?

nice propaganda poster, dude :)

one whisper from d hush-hush department said, some multi-millions dollars has been promised to pour to aceh should aceh could get its independence from indonesia... these million dollars would directly be invested on natural-resource processing sector. for one factory in this sector, the amount could reach from ten to hundred mills... [while the money is not that big for a company within that sector, the amount surely will boost d capability for generating products, thus support d ability for aceh to grow as a natural resource producer] the interesting part is that, the money would come not from europe, uk, nor us.. but from one middle east country with a history as a place for g.a.m. military training some years ago...

imho, that figures why birokrat aceh saat ini ribut soal 'apa perlu orang aceh jadi anak nakal dahulu untuk bisa mendapatkan bagian dana apbn yang lebih besar?'... imho lagi, the core to aceh is about money.. or in a more noble way to say it, its about economic fairness between aceh and jakarta..

20 April 2003

krupuk mlarat.. krupuk mlarat... nama yang hina dina buat satu snack, yang ternyata rasanya oke banget!.. :) konon, benda itu digoreng menggoenakan pasir... entah benar entah nggak... yang pasti, makanin benda itu pagi ini (dibawa novizky dari bandung), rasanya smack my head sampai menggelinding balik ke jaman batoe...

jaman waktu masih es-de bermain main di atas pohon pete cina (sampe merah-merah kena ulet bulu sekoedjoer badan), kejar-kejaran sama sepupu di pematang sawah... dan kalo dah cape, ya itu, makan ranginang atawa kerupuk yang satu itu...

gimana kabarnya ya sepupu-sepupu gue yang masih setia tinggal di pondok sederhana di antara sawah milik keluarga?

ah... i miss my kampoeng..

19 April 2003

had the trip to carita with neng, mouse, nining and wawa from thursday to friday.. brought kodak pocket camera and d old sony hdcam.. trying to take some composition using kodak, and resulting to have a wish.. to have that g3 righthererightnow..

woke up at 5:45am this morning.. having the last thursday as a leave day, i guess these 4 days are avewylongweekend indeed...

went to da library di kampus.. finding the right materials for proceeding with that th*sis thing...

ke fotokopi deket parkiran motor buat motokopi bahan-bahan.. some couple hundred pages... ngantri pulak... so i guess that means i'm happily stuck in this warnet for some hours then...

checking some blog on blogspot... i guess i've missed a lot on this one.. dan kok yang ini mati?.. kenapa, ly?

btw, i wish to remind my self to always drive safely... leave that ego behind (or better leave it in your blog :)... this tought pooped out from my head as i remember kemarin sepulang dari carita, mouse yang galant tuanya mogok di pinggir tol tepat selepas pintu cikupa bercerita.. selama satu setengah jam nungguin koil mesinnya mendingin, ada dua mobil parkir dibelakang yang begitu keduanya berhenti, kedua pengemudi langsung keluar dari kendaraan masing-masing dan rightthere berbaku hantam ondaspot... gedebak gedebuk serasa di panggung wbc..

weleh.. i wish i was there, mus... nonton buat memuaskan hasrat vandalism yang ngumpet di sudut kepala ini.. lol...

16 April 2003

toys for big boys
this is toy #1... it works and has been 'legalized' too... :)

ain't life beatifull?
this is toy #2...

boys with toys
dude, are having fun yet?

15 April 2003

ternyata wheel chair pintar itu sudah ada yang coba mbikin... pakai rt-linux... tapi mungkin itu bukan wheel chair ya... soalnya dari skematiknya kayaknya benda itu dibikin ground-up from scratch...
si zainal tuh lucky banget euy... setelah dapet kabar lolos tahap satu buat beasiswa panasonic, dia langsung coba kontak-kontak satu professor di jepang yang bidang studinya dia minati... si profesor kemudian cross-check postur si zainal ke senior zainal yang ternyata satu bagian dengan si professor itu di uni tsb... hasilnya, zainal kemudian dapet approval dari si prof dan direcommend buat drop beasiswa panasonic (dengan pertimbangan si professor bahwa beasiswa yg itu industrial oriented dan butuh lebih banyak resource buat akses bahan-bahan studi).. si profesor menyarankan zainal untuk ambil beasiswa monbusho instead..

si aip pun kemudian terpicu buat nyelesaiin th*sisnya yang terlunta-lunta itu...

ndi.. kalo gue bisa dapetin kesempetan kayak si zen, topik apa ya yang bisa diambil?... kalo boleh mimpi, ndi.. maunya sih mendalami distributed computing... to unleash the idle power of corporate intranet.. atawa ngoprek dunia robotika.. yg kalo dibayangin, hasil akhirnya adalah sebuah alat/benda yg berupa mini pc atawa embedded system yang jika ditempelkan ke satu ordinary wheel chair, si wheel chairnya langsung ter-upgrade buat bisa diatur kiri-kanan-depan-belakang via joystick (atawa remote control ala mr. bean), thus terintegrasi ke peta via gps, thus fall-safe (bisa gak ya wheel-chair dipasangi giroskop a'la segway?).. targetnya harga benda ini tidak mahal sehingga bisa dibuat secara mass production di negara dunia ketiga...

nice dream, ip.. tapi jangan mimpi jauh-jauh dulu, ip.. kelarin aja dulu thesis lo yang udah terlambat 4 bulan itu.. :)

dude.. you are so annoying, but still.. you are so d*mn right... bah... :P

11 April 2003

psy-op war?.. watta... err.. what is that?

this maybe an example... the toppling of saddam's statue

while rumsfled said the picture was 'breathtaking', the actual people there were only 200...

and this is maybe also :

while reuters informs readers about the pic as "an iraqi man greets advancing u.s. marines on the way to the centre of iraqi capital baghdad. april 9, 2003. reuters/oleg popov", that man is actually part of inc, iraq opposition force based on u.s...

yep dude.. talk about media brainwash... sigh..

09 April 2003

so baghdad has fallen.. so when are you going to 'free' syria, mr bush? ... and which country is next?

anak nekad

nice picture, ndi.. but i really dont think it's real.. these things can only happen in a dream...

a wet dream, ip?
hujan lagi di pancoran..

hujan hari ini merata gak ya ndi? atau sama seperti dua hujan terakhir, di cawang hujan deras tapi di slipi malah malam terang benderang..

hujan plus angin.. di luar jendela, pohon entah-apa-namanya-tapi- bunganya-seperti-kertas-merah-dan-oranye bergoyang keras, kiri dan kanan mencoba mengikuti arah angin...

i suddenly feel so cold, ndi.. so cold it feels like sadness..

08 April 2003

are we blind?

  1. which country alone in the middle east has nuclear weapons?
  2. which country in the middle east refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, and bars international inspection?
  3. which country in the middle east seized sovereign territory of other nations by military force and continues to occupy it in defiance of u.n. security council resolutions?
  4. which country in the middle east created 760,000 refugees and refuses to allow them to return to their homes, farms and businesses it confiscated?
  5. which country in the middle east is in defiance of many u.n. security council resolutions and yet protected by u.s. vetoes?
  6. which country confiscated almost 750,000 acres of land from the million acres comprising the west bank and gaza strip?
  7. which country in the middle east has demolished 7000 homes, killed over 400 school children?
  8. which country in the middle east refuses to prosecute it's soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?
  9. which country in the middle east had a high ranking u.n. diplomat assassinated?
  10. which country on this planet has the second most powerful lobby force in the u.s. according to a recent fortune magazine survey of washington insiders?
  11. which country receives over $5 billion aid each year from the u.s.? (more than the whole of africa)

the answer is surely not iraq...
it took 56 hours for this machine to cr*ck des 56 challenge...

07 April 2003

as akan adili saddam karena kejahatan perang
reporter : dian intannia

detikcom - jakarta, amerika serikat (as) berencana akan menggelar pengadilan terhadap irak karena telah melakukan kejahatan perang dan juga menyeret presiden saddam husein untuk diadili. namun as tidak tertarik untuk membawa kasus tersebut ke mahkamah internasional.

asisten khusus kehakim militer as w. hays parks seperti yang dikutip reuters menyatakan pengadilan tersebut bisa ditangani oleh komisi militer as, pengadilan militer, atau dalam pengadilan sipil.

parks menuduh pemerintahan irak telah melanggar konvensi jeneva dan sejumlah peraturan perang lainnya. pihaknya mengklaim memiliki 3 bukti pelanggaran yang dilakukan irak.

pelanggaran pertama, seperti yang disiarkan televisi irak pada 23 maret 2003 lalu, dianggap telah melanggar kesepakatan. dalam gambar tersebut diperlihatkan tubuh-tubuh serdadu yang berserakan di lantai sementara tentara irak menyeret serdadu as itu.

pelanggaran kedua berhubungan dengan interogasi yang dilakukan tentara irak terhadap 5 orang tawanan perang. interogasi tersebut juga ditayangkan di sebuah stasiun televisi.

dan pelanggaran ketiga dilakukan tentara irak karena dengan sengaja mengibarkan bendera putih pertanda menyerah yang kemudian mengecoh tentara koalisi dan menghamburkan peluru ke arah tentara koalisi.

duta besar untuk kejahatan perang as, pierre richard prosper mengatakan bahwa sejumlah pelanggaran yang dilakukan irak akibat perlawanan yang dilakukan irak terhadap tentara as.

“kami percaya kami memiliki kedaulatan untuk mengeksekusi kasus ini,” kata prosper.

ia menambahkan bahwa hingga kini mahkamah internasional belum diperlukan. bahkan menurutnya, sekutu as, yaitu inggris memilik hak yang sama untuk mengadili irak.

hey... how about us' own geneva convention violation?..

knock knock!.. helloooooo?
d development server is being shut down, so i guess doing some browsing is fine.. looking at antique material of computer early development... computer user club... or should i say computer assembler club... found one ironic apple ad... i guess that shows it was indeed a valleyfull of pirates :)

btw, locutus of borg tonight in indosiar, 9:30pm... hmmm.. expecting to prepare apple juice with ice and indomie goreng tuk nemenin nonton... yummy...

06 April 2003

iraq war index

77: percentage of americans who support military action against any country believed to be linked to 9/11 terrorist attacks, even if innocent civilians are killed in those countries.

69: in a 2002 poll, percentage of americans who said they believe iraq has nuclear weapons.

0: number of nuclear warheads in iraq.

53.9: estimated number of u.s. troops over the age of 20 deemed to be overweight by federal obesity standards.

$850 billion: estimated military spending in the world in 2002.

50: percentage spent by u.s.

0.0015: percentage spent by iraq.

50 per cent: spending increase on u.s. national defense projected between 2000 and 2007.

320 metric tonnes: amount of depleted uranium left in region after 1991 gulf war.

200,000: estimated number of u.s. soldiers said to be suffering from gulf war syndrome.

700: between 1991 and 94, percentage increase in cancer rates in iraq.

1 in 6: chance the u.s. bombed iraq on any given day last year.

9: percentage of u.s. munitions dropped during the first gulf war that were classified as precision-guided.

75: percentage used during current war.

98: during the first gulf war, the reported "success rate" (or percentage of accurate strikes) by tomahawk cruise missiles.

10: pentagon's estimated "success rate" after the war ended.

$750,000: unit cost of one tomahawk cruise missile.

725: by thursday morning, number of tomahawks used in iraq.

6: of the 10-member commission created to investigate the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the number who have direct links to the airline industry.

$3 million: budget given to commission.

$9 billion: estimated monthly cost for u.s. to sustain war in iraq.

$100 billion: estimated cost of iraq "reconstruction."

$7.4 billion: amount u.s. will spend on missile defense research and development this year.

70: the percentage increase in wealth gap between the top 10 per cent of american families with highest incomes and the 20 per cent of families with lowest incomes between 1998 and 2001.

400: number of french products and companies suggested for boycott on several web sites.

18: number of times france has invoked its veto in united nations history.

76: number of times the u.s. has used its veto.

1,200: number of american historians who signed a petition last year demanding the bush administration respect the u.s. constitution with respect to declaration of war.

54 to 67: by 2020, estimated percentage of crude oil that will come from persian gulf.

2: as a measure of proven oil reserves, ranking of iraq among all countries.

6: percentage of the world's population living in the u.s.

30: percentage of the world's energy resources used in the u.s.

89: percentage of americans who rely on television as their first source of news during war in iraq.

92: between sept. 14, 2002 and feb. 7, 2003, percentage of news stories airing on nbc, abc and cbs that originated directly from white house, pentagon or state department.

67: between march 25 and 27, percentage of u.s. television viewers who said they felt "sad watching the war coverage."

83: percentage of u.s. television viewers who say they now want a return to entertainment programming.

236,202: the number of times osama bin laden was mentioned in international media reports between sept. 11, 2001 and sept. 11, 2002.

57, 667: the number of times osama bin laden was mentioned between sept. 11, 2002 and today.

66,648: the number of times saddam hussein was mentioned between sept. 11, 2001 and sept. 11, 2002.

225,147: the number of times saddam hussein was mentioned between sept. 11, 2002 and today.

oct. 2, 2002: date the american gulf war veterans association called for the resignation of u.s. defense secretary donald rumsfeld after he denied the u.s. sent biological weapons to iraq during the 1980s.

38: in a 2002 poll, percentage of americans who said canada should be annexed.

13: percentage of americans between the ages of 18 and 24 who could find iraq on a map prior to the war.

16,000: number of inactive military ranges in the u.s. that have unexploded munitions that pose serious environmental hazards.

1.5 million: number of internet "hits" the iraq body count web site has had since the war began.

52: percentage of these visitors who are from the united states.

50: percentage of weapons entering the global market that come from american firms.

10: percentage of u.s. military spending that would provide global population with basic necessities.

1: number of countries that have used nuclear weapons against another country.

03 April 2003

i dream of g3...

01 April 2003

30 March 2003

i wish to write about bola, my stupid cat whom went all the way from being an abused homo cat to become a dominant male cat in the neighborhood... i wish to write about the day i feel most as an indonesian, living in the country where things that happen seems to be surrealist... feels like living in a novel or mahabarata comics...

but no...

i have no energy...

i'm still weeping for the iraqi people...

still on this akward condition.. on denial of how faith of the people who lives is being tested from time to time, like living from one storm to another..

27 March 2003

si aip had two weeks without d internet...

hmm.. 4 violations.. with 2 for acceptable reasons while another 2 are just proofs that no matter how hard he tries, avoiding tcp/ip is simply unrealistic...

now there is a war going on. more death, or collateral damage as they say... hang on to your butt, brother... there are more wars coming in...

and democracy is dead.. [indications] slaughtered by the corporate intention behind it, and also simply because democracy rely on the people, while by using deliberate disinformation they become clueless, or stupid...

talking about clueless, how about you, ndi?.. do you prefer to be clueless, or paranoid?...

i suspect sanity is a certain spot between those two places, ip...

but finding that spot drive you nuts, ain't it? :)

13 March 2003

due to being sick and tired of da web, si aip thereby vow not to use the internet except for office email for two weeks starts from today..

12 March 2003

megalomaniac... world domination... end of days is near.. year 2050... or 2500?.. considering the inevitables... us domination, with the possibilities of having overheated atmosphere which may leads to another ice-age, both options will leads to the raise of sea level... which i think would happen within that same time frame...

if i have some money i'll move to a higher ground and teach my kids on how to cultivate their own food...

i think i'm overly paranoid right now... gotta switch to work mode...


10 March 2003

berangkat ngantor 15 menit lebih awal, dan efeknya sampe kantor 30 menit lebih awal... segitu jauh bedanye..

hmm... novizki malah punya contoh lebih gawat lagi... kalo dari bintaro berangkat jam 6:15, sampe pancoran jam 8:30... kalo berangkat 30 menit lebih awal (5:45), sampe pancoran jam 7:15...

dude... kalo dipikir-pikir, di jkt gini sehari rata-rata duduk di belakang kemudi itu sekitar 3 jam-an... no wonder si noviz rela spend millions buat ngebenerin sound system di mobilnya...

anyway, dapet forward-an dari zainal yg menurut gue quite funny :

  • "what we need is less people running around and telling everyone else what to do and more people actually writing code." -- linus torvalds [anti-management banget :) ]
  • progasm: the feeling you get when your code works the first time... [hmm.. kalo compilernya turbo assembler dan file sourcenya org.asm, mungkin iya ;) ]
  • all programmers are optimists. perhaps this modern sorcery especially attracts those who believe in happy endings and fairy godmothers. perhaps the hundreds of nitty frustrations drive away all but those who habitually focus on the end goal. perhaps it is merely that computers are young, programmers are younger, and the young are always optimists. but however the selection process works, the result is indisputable: "this time it will surely run," or "i just found the last bug." --frederick brooks, jr., the mythical man month [and programmers who have found out that truth will be promoted to be a project manager :P ]
  • how does a project get to be a year late? ... one day at a time. --frederick brooks, jr.
  • a conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking. --anon [duh!]
  • a slower system is better than an incorrect one. --mark diekhans [how about slow and often-need-a-reboot-os ? ;) ]
  • of the main causes of the fall of the roman empire was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their c programs. --robert firth [argh.. i give up.. i dont understand this one]
  • any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a rigged demo --andy finkel [lol!!!]
  • if computers get too powerful, we can organize them into a committee... that will do them in. --bradley's bromide [dang.. 2 to 0]
  • debugging is anticipated with distaste, performed with reluctance, and bragged about forever. --button at the boston computer museum
  • for every problem there is one solution which is simple, neat, and wrong. --h. l. mencken
  • ignorance simplifies any problem. --r. lucke
  • if the code and the comments disagree, then both are probably wrong --norm schryer [o man, pls.. my stomach is hurt from too much laughing x) ]
  • never put off until run time what you can do at compile time. --david gries, in "compiler construction for digital computers"
  • reliable software must kill people reliably. --andy mickel [hmm.. who codes for laser guides on gbu bombs?]
  • the most effective debugging tool is still careful thought, coupled with judiciously placed print statements. --brian kernighan (1978) [dude...]
  • the most important question when any new computer architecture is introduced is 'so what?' --someone in comp.arch
  • though a program be but three lines long, someday it will have to be maintained. -the tao of programming
  • laws of computer programming :

    • any given program, when running, is obsolete.
    • any given program costs more and takes longer.
    • if a program is useful, it will have to be changed.
    • if a program is useless, it will have to be documented.
    • any given program will expand to fill all available memory.
    • the value of a program is proportional to the weight of its output.
    • program complexity grows until it exceeds the capability of the programmer who must maintain it.
    • make it possible for programmers to write programs in english, and you will find that programmers cannot write in english.

  • on a clear disk you can seek forever
  • unix was never designed to keep people from doing stupid things, because that policy would also keep them from doing clever things. --doug gwyn
  • weekends were made for programming. --karl lehenbauer [thank god those days are over for me...]

that same email stated that it's very easy to shoot yourself in the foot using assembly language.. i dont know what that means, but if my assumption is right i guess a code like this will do :
mov ax, 0000
push ax
mov ax, ffff
push ax

09 March 2003

what's this all about with black belt and six sigma?

is it a cult name?.. or self defense method like karate? :P

06 March 2003

america, as an empire.. while the people and the govt. are uncomfortable with the word empire/imperialism/imperialist, but assosiating those words onto what us doing and her attitude is somehow make sense...

dari kasus ayam dari us [yang entah pengolahannya halal atau tidak].. down to this detailed chronology on 1991 sanction on iraq...

it hurts to remember what madeline albright said on tv years ago regarding embargo on iraq... half a million iraqi children died because of the sanction... and that price is worth it...


dude, everyone's life matters... and even one life does matter... for example; yours... [unless you are being suicidal right now :)]

04 March 2003

at this very moment, two third of iraqis land has already been occupied.. and as us and few of his allies eagerly trying to acquire the rest, i am convinced that babylon land is already fallen.. in a more dignitive way compared to the fall of arabia [lured by oil's dollars, imho]..

i believe after iraq is fallen, syria will follow... and later, persia. syria may fall by using force [terrorism related issue may/will be raised against it, most probably by connecting the dots down to palestinian freedom fighters].. while iran will resist in a much harder way [hard, but as borg always says.. resistance is futile]... and at the end of the day, those debris of ancient kingdoms will be under us control.. as regions of us protectorates...

setelah itu apa?

setelah secara militer jatuh, ekonomi jatuh, infiltrasi pax americana akan masuk melalui pintu sosial dan budaya.. for which, i strongly believe unavoidably irresistably will succeed [if we are looking for examples, try comparing indonesia with malaysia... or bosnia.. --'american assumptions were simple: understanding is not required, only obedience; and there is no problem that a large amount of money can’t solve'... and to look ath the impact for the society in a long run, look at what had happened to arab saudi during last several decades]

since there's no other major military power to stand us, i believe this pax americana will rule and prevail for some certain times thruout the future... europe sooner or later will fall again... but this is not to the third reich, but sadly to d us..

the only thing that i'm sure may bring down this pax americana a.k.a.'freedom' a.k.a. global capitalism is the flaw within it self...

odek once spit out his opinion that western culture (covering down from daily interaction upto religion) is very well accepted thruout de globe for its ability to be adaptive to the local implementation need.. the society can change anything as long as its done thru one process called democracy.. and i think that's the core of what so-called as 'freedom' within the culture..

imho, the flaw is raised by the abuse of the democracy process itself.. abuse caused from money and greed...

as an example, i'll look at the risk us govt. is willing to take with the $300 billion deficit next year [with i assume was taken with assumptions that possible future income to compensate from years to come after this 'anti-terror-war' is finished.. whenever that finish-time may be]... by taking that gigantic risk, us better make sure that the target [iraq in this context] will be acquired within the defined time frame... and the greed that i'm reffering now is in acquiring this target, us would do things which in essence is violating their own culture values, and within this context, the abuse is when us is offering turkey some billions $ for turkey's permission on using their land in acquiring iraq... and the greed is the turkey's official final acceptance to the offer to be able to get the money, even thou their parliament a.k.a their society already reject such idea...

so everytime this kind of hipocricy happens more often and getting on a bigger proportions each time, there will come a time for this so called democracy has to decide.. to choose between itself and money/greed/power, and as for that we already know which one(s) will prevail...

oderint, dum metuant: let them hate, so long as they fear (a favorite saying of caligula)

27 February 2003

hari ini si aip baru sadar kenapa si david nggak ngeh benda bernama teh bolot yang dia minum di kantin selama dia mentraining para business unit webmasters di jakarta itu sebenernya adalah... well, tea.

pertanyaan what's-that-thing-that-i-drink-every-lunch-in-d-canteen itu muncul dari david saat si aip dan david makan nasi goreng kambing di pasaraya blok m saat menemani david mencari oleh-oleh untuk istrinya di sg...

nggak ngeh bahwa itu teh? ... nyang boneng, pit..

dan somehow si aip jadi inget sama si odek.. yang selama kuliah mengaku desperadoly addicted to teh bolot.. yep... i agree that thing is simply has a nice taste.. but addictive?... you show me a new type of relationship between that thing and human, dek...

hari ini si aip baru sadar kenapa si david nggak ngeh...

karena di sg if you ask for a tea, they give you a tea mixed with milk in there.. even if you insist you have "just tea and nothing but tea", still you will hopelessly get that damn milk..

no wonder si david nggak ngeh...

it show also do'i nggak pernah experimen untuk mencoba mencampur china tea dengan gula, kemudian memasukkan es ke situ.. ice tea, ice tea...

a singaporean try to go that far?.. somehow i feel a bit hard to believe that would happen.. x)
berapa banyak sih yang satu nama dengan si aip?

let see...

satu.. arief nugraha, umur 34.. lulusan iain sunan gunung djati, bandung.. sedang bikin tpa islam

dua.. arief nugraha, umur ndak diketahui.. mahasiswa unpar angkatan 2001, bandung

tiga.. arief nugraha, lahir taun 72.. bekerja satu perusahaan dengan si aip, tapi lokasinya di karlsruhe, jerman..

empat.. arief nugraha, umur: ndak mudheng.. namun terakhir diketahui adl siswa satu sekolah dasar di jawa tengah...

i guess this is another pointless thing that i get from using the internet.. knowing that i'm not alone in this world *bah* lol xD

26 February 2003

minimalism to the max!

how i just love oxymoron... x)

contoh oxymoron lain mungkin adalah.. seorang ibu memberi pesan kepada anaknya yang hobi sembalap di malam minggu.. "ngebutnya hati hati ya, le..."

atau... bapak ini.. "kebosanan yang menyenangkan"...

satu lagi oxymoron standar diantara sysadmin... "windows security"... ;)
udah gua kata, ip.. belajar javascript itu gampang dan cepat..

iyaa iyaaaa.. its just that where da hell did i put my javascript book... [insert some stupid murmuring voice in here]
ngelamar jadi programmer itu nggak gampang... dan ngewawancarain calon pelamar buat programmer juga susah...

selama di kantor ini, jumlah pekerja di satu divisi ini yang gue wawancarain.. hmm... 3 orang..

di kantor sebelumnya, orang satu divisi yang gue wawancarain... err... tu.. wa.. ga.... hmm.. 5 orang...

dari setiap orang yang lolos, rata-rata ada 2 yang nggak lolos (2 ini diwawancarai juga).. dan dari tiap posisi yang lowong, cv yang masuk antara 5 (di kantor yang lama) dan selusin (di kantor ini)... there goes buang buang waktu ngesortir cv dan wawancara.. waktu yang sebenernya bisa dipake buat ngebrowsing *hik* ;P

dari total 8 orang yang saya turut andil memvote yes itu, 2 are major dissapointments (didn't/don't deliver as promised), 3 takes the job and at the end of da year, bisa extend his/her responsibilities... dan 3 sisanya fine tapi rata-rata aja (performing da job in a.o.k..)

seriously, as a system analyst, i find it hard to swallow to have a programmer whom i have a contribution on his/her hiring, and do not perform his job well.. its affecting schedule, disturbing the balance in the team, and *bah*.. it hurt... :P

i've looked at what they've been talking about on what is the right way to interview a programmer.. i often weighted more on analysis and technical capabilities, and a bit on passion onto coding.. but other interviewer in da same room (and usually if he/she is in management) weight more on looks and obedience...

hmm well, programmer surely aint zombie... and i cant have zombies walking around holding work orders but have no clue on how to do his/her job... but we just cant have everything, can we?

btw, here is an idea of how a world class programmer taking his vacation...