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09 October 2003

gigantic holodeck

from new scientist :

perplexing observations beamed back by a nasa spacecraft are fuelling debates about a mystery of biblical proportions - is our universe infinite? scientists have announced tantalising hints that the universe is actually relatively small, with a hall-of-mirrors illusion tricking us into thinking that space stretches on forever.

so maybe its a gigantic holodeck after all... the universe, i mean.. :)


all in all, this week i spent total of 8 working hours di klien for doing a supposed to be simple setup but turned out to be headache... the task is to move one active database for client pricing analysis apps dari ms-access ke informix.. empat jam pertama berkutat di setting up detail koneksi di informix client yang ada di web server.. which tetep leads to no connection succesfull di asp (kalo dari dari informix stand-alone client sih bisa... kenapa coba? :P).. diakalin pake table-link ke informix di dalam ms-access dan nggak jalan juga...

3 jam berikutnya dijalani dengan mengerjakan exact same things di web server testing... dan it works... so 1 jam berikutnya dijalanin dengan bengang bengong di depan web server production being clueless of not knowing mesti diapain lagi itu server..

padahal web server testing cuma satu laptop enteng kecil murah meriah etc etc, sementara web server production itu web server segede kulkas dan runningnya diatas hp/ux yang belinya bisa buat ngegaji orang sekampung...

kalo ini lagi dalem mimpi, udah gue sepak itu server kacrut.. hehe...

keputusann akhirnya, oprekan di web server development akan dilanjutkan lagi setelah servernya nanti akan coba di-restart (ah windows, how adorable...)

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