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26 July 2002

dari blog erly, dapet link ke blog enda... dari blog enda, dapet link ke blognya eric raymond...

eric raymond is the one who kick the ass of linux, the one who establish fsf, who code emac, fetchmail.. etc etc... the closest thing to a living god, mungkin...

dan kemudian senang membaca satu sudut pandang lain mengenai amerika post 9/11.. berseri pula.. 5 essay.. so i decided to post his first essay to milis muslim binus... and *wuzz*.. i did..

tapi setelah membaca essay kedua, ketiga.. dan akhirnya ke essay terakhirnya, i regret my post.. i cancel the decision... cos after i read them all, i know his postings are just not worth it.. nggak mutu

and to tell the truth, setelah membaca postingan esr tersebut, my point of view toward him has changed.. i know i'll never look up to him as 'high' as i used to.. i know the man is a genius in coding and hacking, and it is his choice to be narrow minded onto something else.. well, what do you expect, man?.. its life...

i wish to use the word moron instead of narrow minded, but heck.. i dont want to swear for him.. i know he's not worth it...

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