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05 May 2002

another manic monday.. senin pagi lagi deh, ndi.. nggak kerasa yang namanya weekend tau tau dah lewat aja... dan gue nggak inget apa aja yang gue kerjain di weekend yang baru lewat itu.. (dammit! x).. yang gue inget, hari minggu pagi pagi dibangun mah mom-in-lo diminta mindahin si kambing (waks!... si kambing dah jadi satu karakter di halaman coklat ya, ndi?... mesti nambahin di char page dong ya... well, that char page dah mesti diupdate anyway.. very soon i guess).. si kambing menghalangi mobil pa-in-lo, mo dipake buat nganter gerombolan pengacau jalan jalan ke ancol.. mo naik perahu sama sama katanya...

nah.. baru inget.. ternyata sabtu kemarin ponakan paling kecil ulang tahun... pestanya di rumah mo-in-lo, so that's why gerombolan pengacau ngumpul disini... :) ... and hehehehe. dont ask me to tell you about the party, ndi... its full of noise and yelling children... all i can say is that gerombolan pengacau really really live up their name and credibility... hihihihi... (and all i did was wandering around shooting the party with the handycam.. and watch my back as some of the gerombolan member will grab my hand to look at the screen, and in the process ruining my shots)

back to the ancol thing, me and neng ikut naik perahu.. and no matter trivial as it might look, splashes of air laut on my hand, a not so breeze of shore wind on my face surely made the day... its refreshing, ndi..

and neng suggest that we should have more simple outing like that on weekends.. yep yep.. agree, neng... agree indeed..

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